Monday, June 9, 2014

If you've ever met a Virgo...

"Regardless of what you're doing in your life, who you're involved with, or what your goals and dreams are, Virgo always runs up against the wall called "Am I worthy?" Sometimes the question is framed differently. It may be, "Can I do this?" "Am I smart enough (or pretty enough, educated enough, creative enough, or whatever) to do this stuff?" When it comes to matters of the heart, this same self-doubt and self-criticism operates.
What people fail to understand about you, Virgo, is that you're a work in progress. As a mutable earth sign, you're flexible, adaptable and creative. You're constantly striving toward a perfect ideal- of yourself, your loved ones, your creative and spiritual endeavours, the entire vast canvas of your life. To achieve this ideal, you turn your sharp analytical eye on the flaws and imperfections of the raw material and find it grossly wanting. So you engage in endless dialogues with yourself, analyzing every little detail until all those little details are shredded and lying in scraps on the floor. Whether you're criticizing yourself or your partner, the devastation to the relationship is the same way."

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