Monday, March 5, 2012

the vault.

Sometimes I get flustered because people trust me and it's really hard to hold everybody's secrets but at the same time, it's really nice to know people trust me. And that trust is important to me. I love that people can confide in me. I love that they trust me enough to confide in me, especially the people that don't confide in other people. Boys confide in me, which is rare. Boys don't share their feelings but many of them open up to me. And then there's people like ME or S who don't really show everyone their real selves. I'm similar to them in that sense.
For the most part, people think that I am a stuck-up judgemental bitch. And in many cases I am. But I'm also honest, and genuine. I won't be fake nice to you and I won't lie to you. One you win my heart, you've got it forever. And I don't care if you're my best friend or someone I just met, I will tell you exactly the way I see it. And I step on peoples' toes sometimes because of this but I really am trying to show you that there are other perspectives and it's important to recognize them.
It's probably not the best way to live life, but I hide my heart. I have been through things that force me to live with the world at arm's length. I hide my heart and I have a very rough and sometimes cold exterior but beneath it, my heart is great. It's honest and it loves, unconditionally. And that's something that though it hurts me often, I pride most. When I love you, I love all of you; not in spite of the things you do that drive me nuts, but because of those things.
I may not always show people who I am or how I feel. And I may be a conceited selfish bitch. But I'm not all bad. One you have my heart, you have it forever.

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