Wednesday, December 14, 2011

may be surrounded by a million people I, still feel all alone.

I'm seriously dying right now. I'm so over studying. I'm at that point where I just don't give a fuck. I can't explain it if you've never gone away for school. I mean I can remember in highschool just wanting the time off to do whatever, but it's more than that. I just want to be home for an infinite period of time, or at least, more than 3 days. I want to be done, but more so I want to be home.
I am looking around at all the people sitting around me in the library all just hating this place, wanting to leave and all I can think of is my niece, and my mother, and my sisters and my brother, and my father, and being at home. All I can think about is how wonderful it will be to see my friends, to not feel rushed to see 7 people in 2 days that aren't friends. I can't stop thinking about laying in front of the fireplace looking at the beauty of winter and Christmas and all that it entails.
I am sitting here, staring at my notes and my textbook just wishing it were all over. The fact I could go and write these exams right now and go home is so appealing; but I care. I wish I didn't care about my grades so that I could go write these silly tests and come home, without regret that I could've tried harder. I just want to go home.

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