Monday, July 11, 2011

it's still fearless.

So today I went and dropped off number twelve's hoodie. I think it's the last thing I had of his. It just seemed time for me to let all of my hurt and regret go and attempt to move on. I love the kid, I cannot even explain how much he makes me feel. I have to admit, I looked really good when I went there today. I wore a black high wasted skirt with a long sleeve blue blouse and I wore nude pumps with little nude bows on the back of them. I had my hair done (for once in my life) and I wore my glasses. I just wanted to make an impression. I wanted him to remember.
Well as much as I tried to hit him at the core with my fabulous wardrobe choice, he ended up answering the door shirtless, with dress pants, my favorite hair style and just a bit of his scruff. He's also put on some weight and looking absolutely fantastic again. Needless to say, he won. I was honestly speechless. I had to leave immediately. I got in my car and thought I was going to vomit. My stomach dropped and my heart sped up to 10000 beats a minute. I started crying and I just lost it.
I really thought I was getting somewhere with this. But he's still the one. He is the one. That's all there is to it.

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