Tuesday, May 3, 2011

team sofaking.

Also I went to get a coffee on my lunch hour today and guess who I ran into... AJ. hahahahaha it was kind of awkward but I found it rather entertaining. I walked in and immediately started laughing, knowing full well that she was thinking 'FUCK'. Then I was like 'hey how's it going' and she ignored that and merely asked what I wanted. I ordered my coffee and that was basically it until she gave me dirty looks until I left. hahahahaha to explain, AJ is sofaking's girlfriend(KM)'s best friend (sorry for the long complicated explanation). She hates me and understandably so, I suppose. It mainly makes me laugh, the entire situation actually, because it was almost a year ago and they are still that upset about it. I mean really... like yes I screwed up but it was a long time ago and you people need to LET IT GO. Stop dragging it on and carrying it around.
And FYI he fucked up too in case anyone wanted to take some responsibility and be accountable for their actions.
Anyways I got a good laugh out of it because I'm sure they will have a lovely chat about how much they hate me and how awful of a person I am and blah blah blah. (AJ also dated the nicest kid ever for two years.. starting seeing someone while dating him. THEN broke up with him and slept with the other guy like a few hours later.... but I didn't tell you that).
I almost titled this post team _________ instead of sofaking. haha but his last name would give it away entirely. Anyways this was my first run in with team sinclair since the whole november assault episode. Lovely right? Made me laugh.

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