Sunday, May 1, 2011

do I matter.

I have a question: does it all mean something?
You're probably wondering what 'all' entails. I mean everything; getting out of bed every morning, working, going to school, helping people, being selfish, being selfless, being kind, being mean, texting, computers, working hard, being in a relationship, having friends, falling in love etc. I mean all of it, everything you do from the moment you get up until the moment you fall asleep. Is it ever going to make sense? One day will it all fit into place, get better. Is it ever going to feel worth it? Does it matter? Any of it? All of it.
Does any of it mean something?

1 comment:

XOXO said...

In my opinion, no. But we all know I'm a skeptic, an existentialist even.

To me, it's not about a meaning OF life - it's about creating meaning WITHIN life. So many people are so quick to judge atheists or people who are unsure of any divine being in that they think that we have no reason to be moral, no reason to do good deeds.

But I mean - I do have reason to be moral, just different reasons. I feel like since someone took the time and effort (9 months of effort) to bring me into this world I have a bit of an obligation to do my part to see to it that her efforts were not wasted.

So maybe it doesn't mean anything - maybe there is no such thing as objective truth and that there's nothing on the other side that'll ever reward or punish us for our time here. That's irrelevant - why waste your time here wondering if there's anything on the other side?

Make your life and time here worthwhile; if you can start on a small scale and make each day a success in its own then that, to me, is a lot more than sitting around wondering.

PS thank you for the inspiring blog entry.