Tuesday, January 18, 2011

i wish i could get A's without studying.

soo i was at the university at 7:45 am and just left about 10 minutes ago. it was a longgg day. but it was good i think. i don't understand how people don't spend any time studying... like how do you feel satisfied with a 'C' when you know if you tried a little you could do waaay better. i can't comprehend it. i don't understand paying thousands of dollars for a barely passing. also, kines students do not count because getting marks for working out or playing basketball or dance class should not count towards your gpa. it drives me insane. like school isn't even two weeks in and i'm behind already.


XOXO said...


Girl said...

yeah becaue it's the biggest joke ever. they're like i have basketball, dance, hockey, soccer and anatomy. i actually have to study wtf. shut your face studying for one or two classes and writing zero papers.