Saturday, February 27, 2010

my little girl.

i miss my family so much it's ridiculous. i've been gone for like a week and i'm like aww. yesterday my dad sent me this bbm with a hug! i was like almost in tears, like so cute. and then my sister like sent me a message being like i miss you, i love you come home soon. and then she called me like an hour later and was like, are you home yet? i know i always mock you about coming home every weekend, but i really miss you. and she just broke up with her boy and i wish i could do something=(. and then my momma called and she's coming here right now so we can go for lunch and have a nice chat. and then my dad called me this morning to tell me that auntie's hotel is being evacuated in hawaii because they are afraid of a tsunami. and he said he might come here tomorrow so we can go to grandma and grandpa(well my great grandparents) graves and take them and auntie frankie and uncle bill all flowers. and it makes me miss them so much.

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