Thursday, December 10, 2009

love is a lie.

maybe i'm just really grumpy but i'm having some real trouble with the idea of love. i don't even believe in it anymore. i just don't see how love could possibly work. i thought i was so in love with someone for 4 years. he could make me smile with a single word, or a song, or even seeing his truck. he knew something was wrong before it was and he could fix it with a few words. it was exactly the way love's supposed to be. and then we stopped talking and now i don't even consider crying when i hear the song he learned to play the day after i told him it was my favorite. it doesn't even phase me when i hear the song he rewrote half the lyrics to so it would suit us better. how can love be real.
and then i see a couple who's been together for over a year and a half and she just basically dropped him. and you could see just by the way the looked at each other that they were in love, or what loev is supposed to be. and then in a moment it's just done. and it doesn't even seem to phase her. and i just can't comprehend it. we hurt the people we love most and feel nothing. that cannot be love. love must be some ridiculous notion we make up to just find something to believe in.
and it sounds like a big painful waste of time.

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