Wednesday, May 13, 2015


It's nights like tonight that epitomize my patience and tolerance balancing frustration with him.  I got a panicked text saying I needed a cash box and float for tomorrow so I texted him to see if he had a fish tank or a cash box and he's like yep a cash box. And I'm like ya but it's probably at work. And he's like no it's here. So I asked to borrow it and he's like ya come get it.
So I walk in his house and he's like I feel like I haven't seen you in months!! (Inside my head I'm like you haven't hahaha it's been almost a month). So we're chatting and he's like why rd and I tell him  for a hair cut. He's made fun of me going to all the way there for it when I could go in calg but made a point of being stupid and saying it looks so good but I wish it was green. J the stylist mentioned doing it dark with emerald green pieces which I think would look so good but I'm a pussy so J was like I pictured oompa loompa!
So I was telling him how much I hate these people and this party and the stuff I have to do tomorrow and he's like why don't you just take this float so you don't have to go to the bank? I'm like for real? He's like ya. I'm like YES! Thank you for saving me a trip!
So needless to say as much as he pisses me off, he always comes through when I need him and I guess more than anything, I should be grateful for that.

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