Monday, April 21, 2014

It's just not me.

Sometimes I feel really disconnected. I went with ME for a drink tonight but we ended up being with a bunch of other people that we don't really know and it ended up being a drunk fest which isn't what I expected otherwise I would havr driven. I was trying to be responsible because I had 3 glasses of wine with dinner but we went to Brewhouse and there were some boys from rdgcc and it just wasn't my scene.
When I get as drunk as I did last week, I'm angry with myself, embarrassed. I am not in the place in my life where I should be getting blackout drunk on an even remotely regular basis.
It was good because I got to see JK before he leaves for the summer but other than that it was just lame. I just I don't know. I spent the last semester of university classes partying because they were all bullshit classes and it was a blast. But I have just spent thr last 4 months being a teacher and a responsible adult and I just am over that lifestyle. I will still go out occasionally but I'm at a "few glasses of wine" or a "couple of beers at a pub" kind of place in my life. I want to spend my money on a vehicle and a condo and getting my shit together. I've wasted enough money in the last year partying. I'm ready to grow up a bit.

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