Saturday, May 18, 2013

Time takes it all whether we want it to or not.

I was talking to JP last night and I told her all about the letters I gave number twelve and the whole situation. And she doesn't understand, she never has. She didn't know us when we were dating and she doesn't really know him well. But the only time she saw us together she said, "it's so obvious you care about each other. You can just see the love you feel for one another in the way you interact." Which led to yesterday, she once again just didn't understand how we can be so perfect together and not be together. 
It got me to thinking and we kind of talked about it. Receiving the box of letters he received, I wouldn't know how to respond either. I would be overwhelmed. I would probably be speechless. What do you say to 3 years worth of letters about love and hurt and pain and happiness? 
I wouldn't trade any of my experiences with him because they have made me who I am. He is the boy I'm going to marry. He always has been. And it's funny because I specifically remember about a year ad a half after we broke up, my mom looked at me and said in your heart of hearts, is he the one? And I could honestly say yes. He's the one. The only one. 

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