Saturday, May 18, 2013

Grow up.

The people I work with are so ridiculous sometimes. I honestly just laugh so hard. Like they argue about cutlery and doing roll-ups and I just laugh. I honestly think it's so pathetic. I am such a believer in everybody doing some. You know, the old adage, many hands make light work.
So there's these two people B and J (I honestly can't stand J, he's a complete ass). And so they're like doing their roll-ups and a few of us tried to help them an they were like NO. You can't take any of the cutlery to polish. Then they told JS that she couldn't take any of the napkins because they needed the next two loads so that they would have their 200. And I just like laughed and so we polished cutlery and were like see ya. The same thing happened to me last night.
Look, if you want to argue about roll-ups and you're so concerned about doing exactly 100, then you be my guest and stay for another 2 hours to get paid 9$ an hour to roll cutlery. Seeeeee yaaaaaa.

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