Wednesday, March 28, 2012

From S, as always.

1: What eye color do you find sexiest? 
I like blue and green eyes when they are on dark hair but brown eyes on blondes. 
2: White, milk, or dark chocolate mocha? 
3: If you could get a Sharpie tattoo on your back, what would it be?
No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true. 
4: Did you grow up in a small or big city? Did you like it? 
It's not really a small town or a big city. It's a small town atmosphere that is becoming a big city. I love and hate that place. It's where I grew up, but I'm not sure I ever want to go back permanently.
5: Your personality as a child? Has it changed from then to now?
In some ways, I am a polar opposite. I was the whiniest most annoying kid. At the end of the day, integrity is still important to me. Once you have my heart, it's yours forever. Always has been. 
6: What kind of smoothie sounds really good right now? 
Pomegranate Protein Shake. 
7: Most embarrassing moment from your elementary school years? 
I was a pretty ridiculous child. I don't know which one to choose. Probably when my Mom was my teacher and I started bawling and she lost it on me in class. 
8: Most embarrassing moment from your middle school years? 
I was disgusting in middle school. One of my friends saw a picture of me and said, "I'm really glad you grew out of that phase". 
9: Most embarrassing moment from your high school years? 
OH MY GOSH. One of my friends, TC was in the biology class after me and we were kind of seeing each other? (I shot him down, thank gosh). But it was right before lent and for attendance Ireland always asked a question. This particular day she asked what you were giving up for lent... TC responded with sex. Ireland's response was, "Oh perfect, Baker's going to be in a great mood for the next month and a half". Like everyone I knew was in that class and made a point to tell me the story. Then Ireland told the story to my class the next day. 
10: Pirates or ninjas? Why? 
Ninjas. Pirates are greasy and don't shower. 
11: Have you ever climbed a tree more than twenty feet off the ground? 
I don't think so.
12: Did you like swinging as a child?  
YES! My daddy gave the best underducks.
13: If you could have any pet in the world, illegal or not, what would you get?
Some sort of puppy probably. AM was going to get a Bernese Mountain Dog and it was fucking adorable. I wish they'd stay that little. I'd probably get another rottie, or a golden retriever. 
14: What's your most favorite part of your body? 
I'm much too insecure with my body. 
15: What's your most favorite part of your personality? 
I'm a good friend. I try to keep my opinion to myself in regards to serious manners unless my friends ask for my opinion or I truly believe they need to see an outside perspective. I really see all sides of a situation because of my control freak analytical nature so I try to bring them to perspective. 
16: Madonna or Lady Gaga? Neither? Both? Who cares? 
17: Have you ever watched the Superbowl all the way through? 
Yes, last year at C and J's. Somehow we got the American version so we got the commercials at res and it was awesome. 
18: Have you ever watched any major sporting event drunk? 
Define major? Probably?
19: What's the most delicious food you've ever eaten in your life? 
 I love food so much. Probably in Seattle, when I had the most expensive steak dinner of my life but it was delicious. I also love apple peanut butters, cupcakes, and mac and cheese bites.
20: Margarine or butter? Which did you grow up with? 
I don't really care. 
21: Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk? (Did you know they make 1 1/2% milk?) 
Skim. I find other milk too thick now. 
22: Which continents have you been on? 
Europe, North America, Asia.
23: Do you get motion sickness? Any horror stories? 
I don't think so? A girl vomited on the way to Italy and it was the most disgusting thing in the world. Also a child in my class puked on me. 
24: Backpacks or satchels? 
Clearly it depends what for. My backpack fits all my school stuff nicely but I think satchels are much more fashionable. 
25: Would you wear a rainbow jacket? A neon yellow sweater? Checkered pants? 
No. I'm not that cool. And I'm either lazy or conservative in my dressing style. 
26: What was your favorite cartoon growing up? 
Most of family channel. I liked Recess, The Weekenders, etc. 
27: If you had to have a cow or a pig, which would you take? Why? 
What am I doing with a cow and a pig? Cows are the ugliest most disgusting animals, so probably a baby pig. 
28: If you had to look at one city skyline for the rest of your life, which would it be? 
New York even though I've never seen it. Funny, right? 
29: Longest plane ride you've ever been on? 
Like 11 hours or something. It was to Japan. I still remember how sunshine and I talked 10 out of the 11 hours. 
30: The latest you've ever slept? 
When I was really anemic in grade 9, I would go to school, come home and nap, go to volleyball then come home and go to bed again. My parents had to force me to eat because I'd rather sleep. 
31: Would you buy a sweater covered in kitten pictures? Would you wear it if someone gave it you for free? 
No because cats are disgusting, hideous beings. 
32: Do you pick at scabs?
I don't know?
33: Favorite kind of bean? Kidney? Black? Pinto? 
34: How far can you throw a baseball? 
I've never measured I don't think.. I have limited upper body strength though aka my upper body is pathetic.
35: If you had to move to another country, where would you move?
New York. Or Greece/Italy. 
36: Have you ever eaten Ethiopian food? Vietnamese? Korean? Nepalese? How was it?
I don't think any of them.
37: Small, liberal arts college or big university? Why? 
Big University. If I could afford it, I'd be at a big school in the states. I always have and always will love the idea of an American college experience.
38: A relationship with love or one with sex? 
Both? Loving someone sucks when you can't physically be with someone. And I'm not slutty enough to just sleep around. 
39: Do you eat enough vegetables? 
I eat a lot, but I wish I ate more. 
40: Do you like horror movies? How about thrillers? 
Horror movies are lame but I like suspense movies. 
41: Would you scratch a crotch itch in public? 
Uh no, I'm not a dude that's not acceptable. 
42: Do you swear in front of your parents? 
Sometimes, I wish I didn't though.
43: Coolest thing you've ever been for Halloween? 
Mom and I were Piglet and Winnie the Pooh one year when I was like five and she was my teacher. But the coolest thing I've ever dressed up at is Buzz Lightyear for sure. 
44: If you could change your natural hair color, would you? To what? 
I don't think so. I'm a brunette at heart. I like adding some highlights now and again but if I go outside in the summer naturally and my hair is in the sun I actually have really gorgeous natural highlights. 
45: Most boring thing about you?
I'm actually really boring and really entertaining at the same time. I don't really do that fun of stuff most of the time but I'm pretty ridiculous at life. 
46: Do you use a reusable water bottle? 
47: City or nature person? 
I like going to the mountains in Banff and such but I'm definitely a city girl at heart. I don't do too well in the whole outdoorsy type things. 
48: Have you ever used something other than "makeup" as makeup? (Like paint? Markers?) 
I probably thought it was a good idea as a child. 
49: Can you walk well in high heels? 
Yes. I need to find a really tall boy so I can wear heels and look way smaller than him still. 
50: Post 5 awesome things about yourself. BRAG AWAY!

I'm not very good at this kind of thing. Not without being jokingly arrogant. 

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