Friday, January 13, 2012

studio thursday.

Seriously, I forgot how much of a workout dancing is.... especially in high heels. I went out tonight. I stayed sober but I had soooooo much fun. Studio54 is the most disgusting bar ever though. Like I actually think it's grosser than Lotus. hahahahahahaa. I had a good time though. I need to spend more time out doing fun stuff like that instead of always being at home.
Don't get me wrong, I really like my time alone but sometimes I spend too much time alone and I don't go out and socialize and have real interactions with everyday people. Often it's because I feel like they are immature and only want to talk about trivial things. And as much as I crave deeper meaning and deeper connections, sometimes there is a need for meaningless and harmless fun gossip. I don't mean like starting a mean false rumor about someone, I mean hearing about the ridiculous things someone did when they're drunk.
This is rude, but this place has lots of larger girls. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not tiny but I never ever dress the way some of these girls dress and it disgusts me. I could never reveal half of what they do and in all honesty, I think they think they look good. And I mean, good for them for having self confidence, and a positive self image but please be reasonable. I think that some of the biggest girls are the prettiest girls, but dress for your body type. It's the same thing if you're a double zero; dress to accentuate your features, add curves, etc.
Anyways, I have class at 9am so I should really go to bed. My poor feet hurt lots. I also went to the gym today and I did this crazy machine I've never tried. I believe it's called the rowing machine. I don't know I played the fish game hahahahaa. I'm beat though. I missed two-stepping with the boys tonight too.


XOXO said...

Grosser than Lotus? I'll believe it when I see it haha... Lotus is DISGUSTING.

Girl said...

The bar itself isn't grosser than Lotus but the bathroom is. In terms of actual cleanliness of course... I'm certain that there's a whole lot more blow in the Lotus bathroom.