Monday, October 31, 2011

last saturday night.

Okay so let me explain my Saturday to you. I decided not to go out Friday night so I just came home after work (I actually ate a whole pizza to myself hahahahahahahaha shit.) and then I got up early Saturday morning and drove home. My brother made me delicious waffles for breakfast. Then I decided on a costume etc. and went to my little cousin's first birthday. It was so incredibly blown out of proportion it's not even funny. Like what kind of one year old needs a pinata.
Then I went to JP's and we had a few drinks and took some pictures. HJR and KT and JP and I went to res to see like all the volleyball teams I think. And funny enough MQ was there. And seriously.. she's fucking retarded. Like she comes up to me and gives me a big hug like oh heeeyyyyy how are you! blah blah help me fix my costume. And then we were downstairs and all of a sudden we look up and she's macking some dude (the SAME one she cheated on DK with AND her last bf). So then she clearly noticed all of us being like uhh wtf. So she looks at me then looks at him and she's like we have to go upstairs. And I was like really, as if DK isn't going to hear about this because you go upstairs.
So then we left for DK's and that was actually really fun. I iced him 4 times that night hahaha he wasn't very happy with me. So whatever we all chilled at his house it was packed but it was fun and like a lot of it we spent just in his room because there was soooo many people out there. He also tried to go into the attic, who knows why haha. But I knew he was texting her and we were like okay like guaranteed she's texting him like oh babe I'm so sorry I'm not there, I'll try to make it, I'm just with the team blah blah bullshit. And so finally we told him and he was just like wow what a bitch.
I hope that he actually is like fuck you get out of my life now. I mean he's too nice of a kid to deal with that kind of immaturity and he doesn't deserve to be treated like that. I hope he actually does something about it this time.

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