Monday, January 24, 2011

bitch, please.

also, in other news according to sofa king's girlfriend i made up the fact i got assaulted. yep, never happened i just created it in my mind to fuck him over.
it's funny because in the situation, i was honest, i apologized and i let them live their life. i never actually said it was him, nor did i ever blame him. in fact, i spent a month and a half defending him. in case you also didn't know, it's totally my personality to lie and make stupid rumors up and trash talk people all around rd. obviously i'm still living in high school and don't know how to grow the fuck up.
woops, that's you not me sweetheart. this shouldn't even really bother me except for the fact that i've done everything i can to take the high road. i tried to ensure that your stupid boyfriend didn't get absolutely shitkicked to the point of death because i didn't know for sure it was him. and i tried to warn him through a friend when some people planned to. i to this day will not tell them where he lives or what he looks like or any details that could help them find him. i have been trying to get on with my life and get better and healthier and happier and you're making it your mission in life to like try and make me miserable. i'm sorry but maybe you should re-evaluate yourself and your boyfriend and your relationship and find out what these insecurities are being caused by. i don't even live there anymore and you've convinced him to not speak to the best friend he's ever had, delete me from facebook, and also talk shit about me to other people.
i'm still confused how your relationship revolves around me when i haven't spoken to either of you in months? do you think maybe that if i'm such a threat to your relationship by simply existing that maybe your relationship is a joke?
what the fuck do i know though. i'm not educated formally and i don't have life experience out of the stupid bubble that epitomizes rd.

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