Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I wrote this 3 weeks ago. How life changes.

I have been more honest and straightforward with him lately. I haven't blatantly said how I feel, not in terms of a confession or anything because this isn't a movie. I think sometimes I'm deluded enough to think I can have my happy ending. It's not that a happy ending isn't attainable for me. The problem is that I overthink and over analyze everything to the point where I can honestly justify all the reasons we will never work. It's easier  to brush it off and dismiss the idea than to accept the immensity of how I feel. But I've hit a really interesting place. I have never given us the full potential to be successful because I'm so afraid of what would happen if I said something and he didn't respond the way I wanted. At this point, what do I really have to lose?

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