Sunday, July 12, 2015

A girl can dream, right?

So yesterday I was getting ready to leave and he said, "AUGUST 8!!!" And I said, August 8th what?" 
He said, "8am my house. Arsenal party! West Ham." 
When I told him I was away for a wedding that day he said well now I have to go downtown. 
So was it really an Arsenal party or was t just you and me going to watch the game and you're planning it a month in advance? 
It's stuff like that that I don't understand. Like he literally thinks of future plans with me. He invites me to things he knows I can't say no to. I lack so much understanding about him. 
Lately though, I've been thinking about him in a very different manner. I had kind of shut off my physical attraction to him. Not entirely of course because that's impossible. But in the sense that I never really allowed myself to go there. I wasn't like thinking about how attractive I found him anymore because I had put all thoughts about the possibility of us at the back of my mind. More and more lately I'm letting them permeate. It's silly really how different it's been and the ridiculous conversations I make up in my head as to how to go about it and where to go from here. 
In fact this morning I thought, perhaps I just work out only in my sports bra tonight then hope he just comes down and drunkenly finds me irresistible and takes advantage of me because I'm sure he will have indulged during his birthday celebration prior to my arrival.

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