Friday, April 3, 2015

What children say.

"The compelling draw of what children say. With their innocent yet profound perceptions, they shake your soul while you delight in their raw, unconditioned intelligence. They teach us how to see again especially with all the layers, the filters, the walls we have built around us. Children are pure and uncorrupt, are more curious, more playful, more open, more loving. And this is something we've always had inside of us, and it can be found again. It was never lost. We just have to unlearn what has disrupted this playful flow and let God out, and let it speak. It is our center, the silence, the light. "


This excerpt is exactly why grade one has been the best thing in the world for me. It's exactly what I needed: unconditional love. It is the reason that each day I survive a room full of 6 and 7 year olds. They are so kind, so pure, so loving. They are naive but thoughtful. They are curious and intuitive and absolutely brilliant. They dream so big, it's beautiful. They inspire me.

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