Sunday, February 8, 2015

For you, anything.

So the last few days have been absolute chaos! Friday night at 2am I got a phone call from my sister saying her boyfriend is in jail for an impaired and possible drug possession charges. THANK GOODNESS it's not possession charges.
The next morning I get a call from CG saying that we had a small flood so I didn't work Saturday night because we were going to be closed. I was like okay so I can go home and see my sister. So then I go to get a coffee and stopped at work and it was actually crazy like the whole dining room was destroyed. When J saw me he's like what are all of you doing here just showed up for your shift now you're standing around to take pictures?
Later he texted me apologizing because he was so grumpy and he had such a bad day. I was like understandably so, you are entitled to be short and in a bad mood.
So he's probably had the most stressful weekend in awhile.
So today I went to Glenn's for breakfast and I bought him tea and just dropped it off and the previous posts are his response. I think what I loved the most is that I had a chance to do something that took very little of me but meant a lot for him!
I finally felt like I could do something back for him.

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