Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Keg.

So I guess I'm going for a drink with M tonight so we'll see how that goes. DVZ thinks I should wear a dress but I think that's too much. I'm probably going to wear like jeans and a blazer or my leather jacket. I don't know I feel like a dress is a bit much for drinks. I would like to wear heels but I don't think he's that much taller than me so we'll skip it.
I am not sure how I feel about it because I like talking to him and he makes me laugh but he's 22 and likes partying every single weekend. That's not where I'm at and I know it. I also have more than significant feelings for J so that's why I am just going into this with like an open mind.
It might be fun and I have never really gone on a date before with someone that wasn't number twelve. Like I guess with sunshine and sofaking and TC but I don't know if I'd really classify those as dates. I mean at the time I had no idea those were dates.
I am nervous for that part and like what if he tries to kiss me. Like there are so many awkward possibilities. And I am awkward as fuck.

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