Saturday, July 6, 2013

Who will you choose to be?

I really hate when people want to talk about sofaking. Tonight TE was like going on about him and his gf and how they're gonna get married and he's so hot blah blah. And I'm just like can we talk about literally anything else in the world? I just want to say ya they're super happy only he assaulted me and she accused me of lying about getting assaulted. Like I'm really sorry but I don't want to have a chat about them and their life. I want to say that happened but I just wouldn't do that. I can't. That's not who I am. I think that's what bothers me most about it; the fact that following an assault I was accused of making it up. I believe in integrity and I believe in the best of people. That situation was a pretty big test of character. 

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