Thursday, October 4, 2012

I really needed to hear that tonight.

Urban Dictionary: "A girl who hide's her pain with a smile everyday.
Looks after everybody else before herself and never judges. Is silly
and likes to joke around with her friends. She has a pure heart and
a beautiful kind face. She is curvaceous and really sexy, but she
doesn't think it. She is really self concious but everyone around her
envies her. She loves sport and can hold her own, she is really tough
and stands up for what she loves and won't let anyone get in her way.
She is funny, sexy, sporty beautiful, smart and talented she would be
the perfect girlfriend. She likes to flirt and muck around with the guys
but when she has a boyfriend is completely faithful but is always afraid
of losing them. The boys say all Brooke's are good kissers too."

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