Wednesday, June 8, 2011

where I come from, rain is a good thing.

It's been raining lots here and mosdt people are complaining sooo much but I myself actually love it. I love the rain. I love storms when it pours rain and I love light gentle sprinkle. And I love heat lightening at night in the summer. Mostly I like rain because it seems refreshing. It is beautiful and it smells amazing. It seems like a way to wash away all the residue of the past. It gets rid of the winter dust and dirt and it cleanses the soul at the same time. It allows for new things to grow, relationships, planted seeds. It makes everything green and full.
My favorite thing to do is go for long runs in the rain. One time LG and I were in Vancouver visiting my auntie and it was just pouring so we decided to go for a run along the seawall. And we had shorts and jackets on and all these people from vancouver were freaking about how we were going to get so sick and all we could think about was how beautiful it was. We even went down to the beach eventually and walked in the water.
Yeah where I come from, rain is a good thing.

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