Monday, April 4, 2011

I cannot stress how much...

 I Love:
- my mom, my sister, princess s, daddy, b and c. love love love.
- number twelve
-  chocolate, ice cream, and things that are generally not good for your ass
- red wine
- the feeling after you've worked yourself so hard at the gym you feel like you're gonna be sick
- integrity
- working
- learning. I don't always love everything about school but I definitely love education
- good friends
- my puppies
- clean sheets (I just took my comforter out of the dryer so it's still warm and all my sheets are clean!)
- ncaa basketball (Duke in particular)
- music... I'd say excluding rap but let's be serious yelling about sluts and pimps and shooting people isn't really music
- true religion dark jeans and lulu lemon everything
- one tree hill
- socks and sandals
- expensive high heels that don't hurt your feet but radiate your confidence with a pair of jeans
- people who are so unbelievably strong it's mind blowing (s, that includes you)
- silent strength and courage (silent because they don't show it to most of the world; they're just THAT strong)
- writing
- tswift/ whatever I decide to blast in my vehicle with the windows down like it's rap music
- when things go exactly the way you'd like them to/ planned
-tears; but only when they make you feel better
-hot tubs (especially with wine)
- humbleness and appreciation
- gerber daisies
- boys (and girls) who do nice things 'just because'
-the concept of love

I Hate:
- people who talk about others behind their back and then call them their best friend the next day
- people who are excessively fake for the wrong reasons (re: to impress someone or fit in)
- the concept of trust
- the concept of love
- seafood
- most of my former friends because they haven't grasped the concept of growing up
- when people do things for recognition instead of the sheer goodness of their heart
- when things go entirely against what you want and feel
- not being in control
- waiting
- Days of our lives
-watching golf on television
- not getting enough sleep
- touch screen anything (sorry iPhone lovers)
- throwing away/ repeatedly intentionally hurting people you claim to love
- dishonesty/ disloyalty
- asking my parents for money
- poor grammar/ incorrect uses of words
- Valentine's Day
- feeling absolutely nothing at all
- the word moist
- the fact that there is so much hatred in this world

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