Friday, April 8, 2011

age old saying: "life's not fair".

When they were in highschool, ks got kb pregnant. Most people didn't know about it, it was kept pretty secret. But I did because ks was best friends with my sister. They kept it well hid, she did cyber school for a semester and then they gave the baby up for adoption. I respect that they gave the baby up to someone who so desperately wanted a child, people who had everything in the world but they couldn't have a child.
I found out yesterday that their daughter keelia died. She drowned in bahamas. It breaks my heart. I mean I would contemplate everything about how if I'd have kept the baby she wouldn't have been in bahamas etc. The adoptive parents must be devastated. I mean imagine fighting so hard for a child for so long and finally getting it and then less than five years later that baby girl is gone.

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