Saturday, April 23, 2011

daddys are the only boys you can trust.

I am not the type of person to cry a lot. At least, I never used to be. I have found myself crying a lot recently. Like basically all the time, every day, at least once a day. It's kind of pathetic but then at the same time it's kind of healing; at least, I'd like to believe that.
Last night I cried in my daddy's arms for a good hour. I never cry in front of other people and I just bawled in his arms. We talked for awhile but for the most part I had a panic attack and he just held me tight. I bawled about everything, how stressed out I am, how hard I've worked in school and the lack of results, and mainly, number twelve. He tried to console me and to tell me that the rest of my broken hearts will get easier but more than anything he just held me tight. And I think that sometimes that's all you can do. Hold someone tight and cry until you can't cry anymore. Hold someone tight until you can convince them to believe, even for a second that love is someday going to be easy. Convince yourself, even for a split second that one day love won't be this painful.

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