Saturday, March 12, 2016

You are more consistently inconsistent than I am.

I honestly should just never speak out loud. I never know what I'm talking about or I end up more confused than ever. 
Tonight I was almost finished work. They were going to let me leave so I could go with D to a housewarming party. Then all of a sudden I wasn't allowed to go anymore. It was like J found out I had plans with a male and then boom I'm not allowed to leave. 
Then his brother came. And he's like B have you never met T? And I was like nope. He's like why didn't you come introduce yourself and I was like well I'm not going to come interrupt you and he's like let's go. I'll introduce you. I talk about you and T said he's never met you.  
So I went over and met his brother. It's weird because like I know stuff about him but I have no idea what he knows about me. It was kind of awkward because like I've seen a video of him dancing half naked to the spice girls hahahahaha. 

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