Saturday, June 13, 2015

IE. I'll never forget.

The other day I did a timeline with my students. And we had 4 points on it. The first was when they were born, the last was right now, then they had to choose 2 significant life events in between. We brainstormed things like, my little brother was born and I learned to read, etc.
One kid raised his hand. I honestly love this kid with my entire heart. He says, "When I got to grade one and you became my teacher". I was literally almost in tears. I could not believe it.
I forget how much I impact their life daily and how much they impact mine.
IE is one of the most amazing little children I've ever met. His mother is an angel. His sister is unbelievable. She auditioned for the talent show the other day and sang, "Stay With Me" by Sam Smith. And when she said it I was like uh-oh that's pretty ballsy. She NAILED it. She's the only child in the entire school that we are allowing to go over the designated time because it was THAT good.

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