Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Moments matter.

I went to his house for a bit after work and played with my best friend Duke. It was really nice actually we just sat and chatted for over an hour. I probably would've stayed longer a) if he wasn't on his cleanse and we were drinking wine and b) if I didn't have to get up at 5am.
We honestly just laughed for like an hour straight. He told me about his trip finally and we talked about plenty of ridiculous things. Haha we watched celebrity apprentice and I fed Duke an apple. My pants are absolutely covered in slime and hair but I realllyy love Duke and hopefully I will get to stay with him this weekend. J is going to London for 2 days to watch the Arsenal versus Aston Villa game and I am so incredibly jealous!
I think my favourite part is how different he is. I have never seen him laugh the way he was last night. He was honestly in stitches laughing so hard. We have had some pretty funny moments before but I was almost in tears laughing and he was imitating this girl and he was laughing so hard while he did it. It was just nice because it was us and I think that's the real J. I think that's the J he shows me more than other people. That's the J he's afraid for people to see. I just enjoyed hanging out and being silly and watching Celebrity Apprentice. 

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