Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Wishes.

I cried basically the entire way from Calg to RD today. I can't even really explain why. I wasn't sad. I think the reality of everything that I've gone through just hit me like a brick wall. I didn't honestly think mom would be here for Christmas and here she is hosting her favourite party.
It is mind blowing really and I am just so grateful. I feel so blessed and I have such a different appreciation for Christmas this year.
I thanked J this morning too for all his optimism and encouragement and support. And for putting up with me on my worst days because he really did bare the brunt of a lot of it.
I am so happy mom is doing better. And if I could have one Christmas wish it woild be that my sister said something to J and he just showed up and surprised me. I know it's farfetched but I mean miracles really can happen and that would be a wish come true.

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