Saturday, November 8, 2014

The look on his face will forever be embedded in my memory.

J and I have been kind of off the last week or so. After we went car shopping things were kind of different. Not in a bad way just in an "I think we both realized the magnitude of that day". I'm happy he chose to spend his mom's birthday with me and I'm pretty sure it's been right around a year since she died.
I've had an overwhelming week with mom and school and I'm just exhausted. I am going away next weekend and I honestly cannot wait to have 3 days off.
Last night and today was interesting. Last night J made a point of being like, okay do you need to talk before I go. And I said no, I'm not emotionally stable enough for that right now. He said okay, well I'm around if you need. And I appreciate that. I appreciate that he knew I wanted to talk and he took the initiative to ask me at a reasonable time and I also appreciate that he accepted that I wasn't ready to talk and was supportive of me instead of pushing me. That speaks volumes of him and why I feel so strongly for him.
Today was a very special day for me. I feel so proud about my vehicle. I wasn't going to tell him, I was going to surprise him when I got to work and show him etc. but I couldn't wait. I texted him and said, Mr. B what are you doing right now? He said bicep curls. I died laughing as I thought he was completely kidding and he's like I know, futile right? I asked if he could spare 2 minutes, he said yes. I told him to look outside his house.
He opened the door with a look of complete surprise and genuine happiness. He said, "it's yours? Really?"  I said yep all mine. He said, "congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Come give me a hug! You have to take me for a spin!" I was waiting for him to get in and he's like no seriously, get your ass out of this car and give me a hug!
It was just one of those special moments. I didn't know how he'd react. I really didn't expect that. He was just so excited for me, with me. And it was so incredibly nice to feel that kind of support. (PS, I'm fighting back tears writing this.. pathetic, I know). It was the type of moment I'll never forget.

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