Monday, October 6, 2014

I feel like I'm finally ready.

Some days I'd like to know why I'm still single because I'm a fucking catch. As cocky as that sounds seriously I have a lot going for me. I have a full time job and a part time job on top of that. I have two university degrees that I completed at 22 years old. I am a great cook AND baker. I go to the gym regularly (with the exception of the last week and a half but tomorrow that will change). I am funny (probably not as funny as I think I am).
I am smart and fun and old and lame and kind and thoughtful.
I am trying to trust that the right person will come along at the right time but sometimes it's difficult. I feel like everyone else has that companion. And realistically I don't have that much spare time but I would make time. I would make sacrifices to be with someone I loved.
It took me so long to deal with the whole number twelve situation and the other day I actually was sitting there laughing at the idea of getting back together with him because I'm just so far beyond that. It's not what I want and I cannot believe I thought I did for so long. I want to be with someone new now. I want to feel those things again. I want to fall in love again.

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