Sunday, July 20, 2014


I am such an overly-analytical person. The more I think about Court, the more I am giving myself reasons not to pursue anything with him. I was thinking about the whole cell phone dying thing. It really bothers me that he doesn't say, "my phone is dying" or something along those lines. When I lived with K, that was something we both talked about why we liked living together so much, because we were courteous. Courtesy goes a really long way for me because it means you are thinking about somebody other than yourself. It bothers me that Court doesn't have the courtesy to acknowledge that his phone is dying and I'm not going to talk to him for 2 days.
I also don't like how much he drinks. Like I get it, you're a 22 year old male. I would probably party my life away too. But I'm not there anymore. Don't get me wrong, I like to party occasionally and I love wine but I don't want to be blackout drunk 36 hours of every weekend. And it's not fair for me to ask him to change because I'm not at that stage. It's not even that I would ask him to change, it's just not something I'm interested in and I actually kind of find it to be a turn-off.
I know that he doesn't owe me anything. We aren't dating, we aren't anything; in fact, I barely know him. But I really like talking to him and I'd like to get to know him better. I suppose I'm just trying not to get my hopes up so I am thinking about all the negatives instead of the opportunity for a new enlightening learning experience.

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