Wednesday, June 4, 2014

That's the difference.

I'm pretty sure half of the girls I work wirh hate me and the other half think I am sleeping with my boss so that's a good place to be I guess.
Yesterday I said something I thought about thw way the floor was and a girl looked at me and said you should tell them that because they will actually listen to what you have to say. I don't think she meant anything by it but I was a little bit taken aback because I basically want to say to every girl who has a problem with my relationships with the owners/managers: look, I've known them just as long as you have but I come into work every day with a positive attitude and don't bitch and complain about everything all the time. I work hard to show that I am capable and enjoy my job. I'm honest and hardworking. And in most of my life I would never admit to deserving to be acknowledged for that. And I really appreciate being acknowledged and appreciated for my work ethic and attitude. Maybe instead of bitching and complaining about me and my job you focus on you and your own job.
Another thing happened last night that kind of made me feel bad because I genuinely think it's a difference in the way we were raised. So J was trying to get CB's attention and he said her name like 3 times and finally she said what?! And he told her whatever he had to say. Then he said, by the way I prefer yes, not what. And she didn't understand and he was like I don't appreciate you speaking to me like that. She was incredibly insulted but in his position, I think he was justified to say something. I mean, at the end of the day, he's your boss.
A few minutes later he asked if he could do something for me and I said yes, please. And when he did it I said thank you. So while CB was standing next to me he said I appreciate your manners so much B. Thank you for always being so polite.
She shot me daaaaggers.
And while I think it was kind of prickish of him to say that to me in front of her, I understand why he did. Tonight we talked about it and I even said to him you are going to make girls just hate me. And he was just like well they should act more like you. You're not doing anything wrong, you were just raised properly.

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