Thursday, May 1, 2014

hahah I'm a weird human being.

Gah last night I had such fucked up dreams. I dreamed that S slept with TW hahahahaha which is really funny and random and would complicate so much shit in RD. He is also number twelve's cousin which is a funny twist of events.
S and I went to some conference thing and at the end of the 2 days there was this big party. So we are at this conference dinner getting wasted and singing karaoke making complete asses out of ourselves. Then we went to a party at TW and JT and CK's house. And they don't even live together so my imagination is really quite fucked. And I was blackout and S slept with TW on the floor rather than in his room (don't ask me why). Then in the morning everyone was like B you got waaaayyy too fucked up last night (which I probably did in my dream because it is something I'm trying to work on). Then my mom came and got S and I to drive us home and she asked us how it was and we both giggled like we were 16 and that was that.

THEN I had another dream about my gym future husband. I don't think I've blogged about him before but he is in real life, a former firefighter, former hockey player. He is tall, dark and handsome. He is polite and seems kind of shy which isn't usually my type. But somehow I ended up going with a friend and her mom to this group training session and he was our trainer. So I was like being a ridiculous human trying to be so strong and he kept correcting my form (which I wasn't complaining about). Then at the end we're sitting at these really small tables and he's sitting so close to me he may as well be on my lap. Then I was obviously melting and seeing as I am the most awkward human being ever when it comes to men hahaha I was like sweating. Then he was talking to his other trainer buddy about me and I could hear them whispering. Then he gave me his number before he left.

So here's my fucked dreams.

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