Saturday, April 5, 2014


All of the people I know in cowtown go home every weekend. It's really frustrating for me to go from my social life in leth in the fall to this now. I think that's part of why I'm looking forward to the restaurant. I want to meet people my age that want to do fun stuff and meet new people. Teaching is tough to meet new people especially because few teachers who are young teach junior high. There's a few that are teaching elementary that are younger but everyone in my end of the school is at least 30-35 years old and lots are over 40. It's not that I have any problem with them, we are just at very different points in our life.
I was already disappointed today because mom was supposed to come here today. Then TK was supposed to stop on her was back to leth and didn't. I just feel lonely like I have zero friends. It's tough because I was so happy with my friends in leth and then I moved here. It's hard because I love calg as a city but I love my friends in leth and my family in rd.
I really wanted to go out tonight because I just feel alone and lonely and pathetic. I couldn't go home today because I have to go to church tomorrow morning to get a stupid letter signed.
Red wanted me to go out and meet them tonight and I would have loved that if they went to a pub or something first but I didn't want to go to the bar alone.
ZG half ass invited me out then never texted me back.
I was disappointed because DVZ was here last night and never even mentioned it.
I feel like all of my friends have all these new friends or jobs or boyfriends and I just feel stuck. I feel so uneasy because my life is so uncertain. I don't want to live with my dad anymore, I'm 22 years old. I want to live where I can do whatever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want, including bringing a dude home to bang if I see fit.
I feel like everyone I know is in relationships too and it's awful to be the single girl when everyone else is a couple.

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