Monday, March 31, 2014

Universoul Mind.

"Detoxifying your body is not just limited to eating cleaner. Junk thoughts are the equivalent to junk food - and you are what you eat. Thoughts of anxiety, resentment, insecurity, or any kind of the mental ‘weight’ you’ve carried in your gut far too long affect pretty much every fiber, every cell of your being. These effects can be psychosomatic, where physical illness is caused by mental or emotional problems. It is also called the nocebo effect, the evil twin of the placebo effect, which I’m sure most of you are familiar with. Some of these negative thoughts and emotional harboring will have tobe processed and digested - and shitted out. And feasting on thoughts of joy, acceptance, gratefulness, and honesty, will lead you to be more energetic due to their ‘nutritious’ properties. Most say a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, but I can tell you this much, it goes both ways if you are seeking balance and complete harmony of the mental/physical. Remember, the body is the instrument and your mind is the composer. " 

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