Monday, November 18, 2013

Is it a fallacy?

Do you believe in true love? Or fate? Or the concept of a soulmate? Are any of those even real? Or are they just fictionalized portrayals of love created for girls to watch more movies. I sometimes wonder if true love exists. If we have a soulmate.
I am conflicted when I think about this because I think about someone like sunshine. We were literally so compatible in theory, but it practice it would never work. I loved him and I know that he loved me even if he never admits it out loud to anybody. And I'm okay with that because I learned so much from him about who I am from him. And I learned who I'm not. I have never gotten along with someone so well, even number twelve. He was probably the best friend I ever had at that point. I mean, as good of a friendship you can have in high school.
I think about the differences between number twelve and sunshine. And there are so many. I loved both of them so deeply, but so differently.
So I wonder, can you know that someone is meant for you? Is it possible to feel that? To know, without a seed of a doubt, that someone is perfect for you? I always thought I knew. Now, I'm not so sure what I think. I suppose I don't understand why you need to hurt, to know love. I don't understand why you have to take space to desire closeness. I needed those things but I cannot wrap my head around why.

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