Monday, September 30, 2013

Love those four.

Okay I feel a little bit bad about this but fuck it was funny. Last night MV went and hung out with K after work instead of us and my comment was "guaranteed after she goes home, he'll call me" which he absolutely did. So he walks in and MS and I looked at each other and both started fucking killing ourselves laughing. His shirt looked like it belonged to my niece. It was so small for him like beyond tight shirt Tuesday tight. So obviously we made fun on him a bit. And it was all in good fun. But he went back to his house to get something and when he came back I once again looked at MS and was like how much you want to bet he changed? He's like no way, no way. So he walks around the corner and I start laughing again because he did in fact change his shirt because we were giving him so much razz. And honestly he's like fuck I knew you would notice B. And I just laughed.
I have been an alcoholic lately but fuck I love those guys. MS and AL and MV and TT are just my lifesavers these days. 

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