Thursday, March 21, 2013


I've always been mature for my age. I have, for as long as I can remember, been the person that people thought was way older than I actually was. Not last summer, but the summer before, I was only 19 and a guy at the RDGCC guessed that I was already 26. That's a 7 year difference. Everyone in Ed always tells me that they forget I'm young because I'm so mature. And I think that can be good in lots of ways but sometimes it's hard because then when I do something dumb, there's a double standard. Like "oh she was so blah blah and it was such an immature thing to do". Oh hey, I'm sorry, I'm 21 years old and finishing my fourth year of university. This time next year, I'll have two degrees at 22 years old. So basically, GO FUCK YOURSELF because I think it's okay to be immature once in awhile.
I think that's part of why I liked Lethvegas, because I had the opportunity to be a kid for awhile and act my age doing ridiculous shit.
Tonight I got told, "you seem so grown up to me, it's weird". And I think that's what is hard for a lot of my friends. I think it's hard for my friends to realize that I am in a professional faculty and this is my career. I have no desire to go out and get shitfaced 3 days a week, or even one day a week for that matter. Sure, I love a glass of wine or a beer with wings on a Wednesday but I don't have any desire to go get blackout drunk and party like I'm freshly 18. I'm not freshly 18. I want to start getting ready for my life, saving for a house and a car and a future.

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