Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I'd like to loose about 10 lbs. or 2 inches. I am really just wanting to loose my mid section. My legs are getting bigger which I'm not overly happy about. But to be fair they are almost entirely muscle. I have become more muscular but I'm not happy with where I'm at. I don't know I guess I will probably never be happy with my size. Even when I was anorexic I wasn't happy with my size.
I'm not a tiny girl. I'll never be tiny. I never have been. I'm tall. I'm between 5'8'' and 5'9''. And I'm not a skinny girl by any means. And even when other people tell me I've lost weight, I don't ever feel skinny. I don't ever feel confident enough to wear clothes that show my size. I don't know. I see so many other girls that aren't tiny and I think they're absolutely gorgeous, but I don't think that when I see myself.
I wish I were more confident. I wish I was more comfortable with who I am and how I look. I'd never let anyone know that I'm not. I am a complete bitch. I'm cocky and arrogant and in many cases, I act like I'm better than other people. But I'm not and I don't think that I am. I am a fraud. I am more insecure than most people.

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