Sunday, February 12, 2012

the L family.

So last night I worked and then DL and JL were down so I went and met them after work. Honestly, I love those guys. They are really great friends. DL was handi-hands drunk (a type of wasted drunk unique to the L family). And J and just had the funniest time telling jokes and chirping people etc. We sat in this lounge and chatted with a good buddy of JL's and had a few drinks. Then we decided to go to this place called Backstreet. GHETTO as fuck but seems very typical cheap-college-drinking-esque and this was the photo on the door:

Classy place right. I mean if I were walking into the men's washroom and I was teh type of person to have a firearm on me, I'd probably not pay any attention to that sign. I mean what do you do, "hey bud can you watch my gun while I go piss? I'll just leave it on the table."
Anyways we only had one drink there because this creepy guy that used to work with J was just telling us his life story and chatting JL up so hard and he's like looking at me rolling his eyes but at the same time just playing it off like he is bffs with this weirdo. Then we got some stuff from the Mac's store (I love sour patch kids). And then we went back to their dad's house but B is gone to Ontario right now so he wasn't there. We just ordered Two Guys Pizza (BEST PIZZA EVER) and then basked, watched some Drew Carey and 3Rd Rock from the Sun and then I came home to bed.

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