Sunday, March 13, 2011

marble slab.

my damn tummy still hurts. i am soooo annoyed with this. it may be lactose intolerance. which doesn't work for me. i like yogurt and i like chocolatel milk and occasionally milk in cereal and lattes and sometimes cheese. what the heck am i gonna do if it is lactose intolerance.
also, i had delicious ice cream tonight. it was white chocolate with mini eggs and graham crackers and holy moly it was delicious. (and s, you're like so much for we only eat healthy... but you have to cheat sometimes. and moderation is key).
i'm hoping i feel better tomorrow though because i missed the gym tuesday and wednesday due to sickness, half-assed it thursday and friday due to sickness, yesterday i never left my house i felt so terrible and had an alright workout today but still not quite up to par. so hopefully i feel better tomorrow so i can have a good hour and a half-2 hour workout.

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