Monday, November 16, 2009

and yes, i know how much i overanalyze.

"just let whatever happens happen, don't think about it."

well isn't that the story of life. i always try to tell myself if it's meant to be, it'll be. i'm a pretty big believer in things will work out the way they're supposed to. i'm not sure if you call it fate though because i think we create our own fate. we create our destiny. every choice we make, conscious or unconsciously, knowing the consequences, not knowing the consequences, we still choose what happens to us. and we choose how we deal with it. i had a mad argument one day with someone who was like well what about the family that got hit by a drunk driver and were killed. well in all honesty, no they didn't know they were going to be hit by a drunk driver, but they chose to be where they were when they were and if they had've left 5 minutes earlier it could've saved their life. but they didn't therefore, they chose their fate. i mean they made that choice and therefore, it was supposed to happen like that.
now i'm not overly religious. i have my beliefs, and i'm not afraid of them but i sometime question why i believe what i believe. am i just a mess of a dreamer? am i unrealistic? or just plain crazy? i don't know i am who i am and i'm okay with it.

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