Sunday, October 1, 2017


My mom and one of my sisters have both told me they think I'm going to be married before my sister is. FYI that's just over a  year until her wedding. The idea of that is crazy to me. I don't really know how I feel about it. I'm not ready to get married yet.
I thought I posted that awhile back.
Honestly, he's wonderful and I see many things that are in accordance with how I want to spend my life. The lifestyle, the priorities, etc. It's been a tough few weeks for us. We've been so busy and it's really difficult when you don't see one another. We also are both learning how to be together. I've been alone for so long that it's really difficult for me to be with someone. Sometimes, that means my expectations of him are unreasonable which is unfair because he's been incredibly upfront about what to expect for hockey season.
What I do love, is the way we communicate. When I'm upset, I tell him and he's receptive. He also stands up for himself and puts me in my place. He tells me I'm wrong without making me feel crappy. I want someone who will challenge me in my life and he does.

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