Saturday, May 7, 2016

Another hard day.

Life's Detours
Life doesn't always happen the way you want it to or the way you planned it or hoped for...
Detours suddenly appear; storms blow in unexpectedly. The road you're traveling -- that seemed so safe and secure-- changes direction without warning, and life becomes something that's not at all what you thought it would be. You find there's nothing to do but stop for awhile, figure out your options, and think about new decisions you have to make.
Life is forever changing. You can't always control what happens, but you can hang tough through it all and make the changes and decisions necessary and will help you grow in spite of the disappointments, develop courage in spite of the adversities, be creative and come up with solutions, and always keep love in your heart.
No matter how hard things may seem... life will change again, and it's possible that this detour will lead you to a place that will bring you more happiness and let you reach more satisfying places in your heart and life than you've ever reached before.
And if you need someone to lean on... give me a call.
-Donna Levine-Small

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