Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Silly girl, since when do you have emotions.

I am being SO ridiculous right now and I know it. I found out M aka Court has a girlfriend who works at the boys' other restaurant today. I know how ridiculous it seems that I would care. I never wanted to date him but he was nice to have around for awhile. It was nice to just talk to him and flirt. I guess it was mostly just nice to be wanted.
I mentioned it to S today and I guess if I think about it, he was a pretty big step for me post-number twelve. He was the first boy I was even remotely romantic with since number twelve. He made me realize I could be with someone else.
I didn't want to be with M because we are at SUCH different places in our lives. He is still in the party every weekend, do drugs sometimes phase and drink excessively on a regular basis while I'm like let's have a glass of wine in bed before I pass out.

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