Thursday, April 18, 2013


Ten Things About Yourself
1) I am incredibly insecure about my body.
2) I love my niece and nephews more than anything.
3) I don't think I really want to be a teacher.
4) I have a strong faith and I cannot explain it.
5) I am really unsure of who I want to be in this world, well more what I want to do.
6) I want to make a difference in the world, I want to do something big that means something. (How generic, doesn't everybody?)
7) I don't think I ever really want kids. At least, I didn't. Maybe I will change my mind someday.
8) I am really shallow yet non-judging at the same time. This is entirely contradictory, I know. On the surface, I am judgemental. I am shallow and make inappropriate jokes and don't always think about what I say before I say it. If someone truly confides in me, whether they are a best friend or someone I met five minutes ago, I won't judge them. I will give them my very honest opinion based solely on my experience and what they've told me.
9) I want to fall in love again; or, be loved unconditionally back.
10) I am grateful for everything I have been through in life. Especially the hard things. I am a strong person and I know it. And I'm strong because I've had to be. And so, I'm grateful for my strength even though it can be intimidating and sometimes lead me to excessive independence.

Nine Things You've Thought About Recently
1) Number Twelve.
2) Going far away once I graduate. Like overseas somewhere new.
3) A new job. I am surprisingly not stressed.
4) I want to be incredibly healthy and in the best shape of my life for NB and CK's wedding.
5) I just want to be finished school. Another year might be the death of me.
6) Mortality.
7) What I would do if I wasn't a teacher. Who would I be. Where would I go.
8) My sister, her relationship and my baby J. I just want B to be treated well.
9) Life is so incredibly precious. I lack understanding of youth dying. It's just too much.

Eight Ways to Win Your Heart
1) Give me smarties. I will love you forever.
2) Love me, unconditionally.
3) Play with my monkeys. Love them like I do.
4) Love my family, unconditionally. Put up with them without complaining because you love me.
5) Show me off to your friends. You should be proud to be with me and you should brag to everyone for how lucky you are to be with me. You can assure yourself that I will do the same.
6) Be able to make me feel better, just by being near me.
7) Cook for me. Make me delicious dinner and wine and just be able to be with me. No words necessary.
8) Treat me like a lady. Be nice to me, always. Speak with kindness and love. Open my door, wear a suit, take me on real dates. Then, hold me in your arms all night long.

Seven Favourite Songs You've Had 
1) Fearless- Taylor Swift
2) I Want Crazy- Hunter Hayes
3) Jesus Take the Wheel- Carrie Underwood
4) She Thinks She Needs Me- Andy Griggs
5) Inaudible Melodies- Jack Johnson
6) Every Time I Hear Your Name- Keith Anderson
7) I Almost Do- Taylor Swift

Six Things You Do Before Bed
1) Brush My Teeth
2) Wash My Face
3) Say I Love You to my family.
4) Pray.
5) Overanalyze absolutely everything.
6) Usually watch TV of some sort.

Five Things You Wish You Could Say to Five Different People Right This Very Moment
1) You are probably one of the strongest people I ever met. I love you and I am so incredibly proud of you. You are without a doubt amazing. You made an incredible baby and you are an incredible mom. I believe in you and I will always be here for you.
2) I love you. I'm sorry but I just have nothing left to give.
3) I'm pretty disappointed in you as a friend. I really wish that one day you would grow up. I hate your boyfriend and I will never ever support your relationship. I will never support your future with him. He is scum and you deserve so much better. Our friendship will never return to its full potential as long as he's in your life.
4) You are strong and beautiful and full of potential. Belief in yourself. Be kind to yourself. Everything will work out in the end.
5) I have no problem with your girlfriend, except for the fact that she is always here. I think she's nice, nothing she does bothers me. I just hate having three people here. It's too much, it's uncomfortable. I don't like it.

Four Things You're Doing Right Now
1) Watching One Tree Hill.
2 Texting my sister.
3) Thinking about how much I'm procrastinating.
4) Thinking I should go to bed.

Three Things You're Scared Of
1) Not being enough.
2) Not accomplishing anything of worth. Not living life to its fullest.
3) Never finding what I'm looking for. Never figuring out what I'm looking for.

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1) Make a difference.
2) Be loved as unconditionally as I love.

One Confession
1) I do not live my life to its fullest and I wish I did.

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